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Save Our Streams: Get to Know Loop Creek

We will conduct a West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WV DEP) Save Our Streams (SOS) Level 3 assessment on Loop Creek in Fayette County on Saturday, April 8, 2017.

Meet at 10:00 a.m. at the upper end of the Meadow Havens Memorial Park Cemetery (Click here for map). Please bring waders as you will be wading in the stream, additional assessment equipment and tools will be provided by Ernie Nester Chapter of Trout Unlimited (ENCTU).

Loop Creek is the "adopted stream" of ENCTU in the WV DEP Save Our Streams (SOS) Program. These surveys assess the physical and chemical quality of a stream.

Physical characteristics, such as flow, protective cover and streambed composition are measured. Chemical properties, such as acidity, alkalinity, pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen are measured. Impacts of surrounding conditions, such as roads and mining will be observed and evaluated.

The activity in the surveys that most people find the most interesting is the assessment of the aquatic insect population.

Samples are taken from the streambed using "kick nets." The insects collected are identified, sorted, counted, and then returned to the stream. The bugs found give insights into the type of trout flies that should/could be used when fishing the stream as well as providing an indication of the health of the stream.

The data from the surveys are entered into the WV DEP volunteer database for annual tracking. Come join us in this beneficial and educational activity.

Contact Larry Orr at if you plan to participate.

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