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2017 Angling Arts Class Schedule Announced

The Ernie Nester Chapter of Trout Unlimited (ENCTU) is pleased to announce the offering of several angling arts classes in 2017 for those individuals wishing to learn and expand their knowledge of fly fishing.

There is a basic registration fee of $30.00 per person for each class, and some classes have additional fees for materials. The first series of classes will begin on Thursday, January 26, 2017, at the Elkview Elementary Center (Map) in Elkview, West Virginia. The following classes will be offered during the first series:

Intermediate Fly Fishing

Class Dates: January 26; February 2, 9, 16, 23

A five-week class focused on improving participants' fly fishing skills and techniques, which includes taking a video of their cast for them to view and offering suggestions for improvement. A new addition this year will be a session on fly fishing from small watercraft, such as kayaks, canoes, small pontoons, and personal rafts. The class size is limited to 14 participants.

Beginning Fly Tying

Class Dates: January 26; February 2, 9, 16, 23; March 2

A six-week class focused on learning the basics of fly tying. There is a $10 additional materials fee for this class. The class size is limited to 10 participants.

Beginning Rod Building

Class Dates: January 26; February 2, 9, 16, 23; March 2, 9

A seven-week class concentrated on the basics of rod building. Participants will build a fishing rod of their choice. In addition to the registration fee, participants pay for their rod building materials which vary depending upon the rod they decide to build. The first class meeting focuses on selecting the rod and ordering the materials. The class size is limited to 14 participants and fills quickly. At least four instructors are available to make a low student-instructor ratio for this class.

Register Today! To register for any of these classes, please email:

The second series will start on Thursday, March 23, at the Elkview Elementary Center. These classes include: Specialty Fly Fishing, Advanced Fly Tying, and Advanced Rod Building. Specifics on the curriculum and a description for these classes will be published as the class dates approach.

Beginning Fly Fishing (Elkview and Hurricane)

Beginning Fly Fishing classes will be conducted on Monday and Thursday evenings the first two weeks in April at the Elkview Elementary Center, and another class will start on April 17th, on Monday and Thursday evenings for two weeks in Hurricane, West Virginia.

We anticipate these classes will fill up quickly. If you would like to reserve your spot in a class or have questions, please email:

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